
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to the show. Thank you all for listening to this podcast. This is why we are a top-rated show and we continue to grow - because of YOU! Please share the podcast with your family and friends and give us that 5-Star Rating on Apple Podcasts.
If you love coffee, and I know most of you do, you are going to love the products from Four Sigmatic. I am a HUGE fan of this company and have been for some time. I LOVE their LIONS MANE MUSHROOM COFFEE and I bet you will too. Yes, you heard me right. I said MUSHROOMS. The good mushrooms and this coffee tastes better than regular coffee and it’s better for you. It gives me the clarity, focus and zip I need to get me through the day. You are going to get 15% OFF your purchases using the promo code CJEVO. Check out their link at www.cejvolution.com
Here are the CJEvolution Podcast we are honored to be partnered with Detectachem. This amazing and innovative company is helping keep our brave men and women who protect us safer by offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of your hand. Detecting illicit drugs, explosive and now COVID-19. This app-based technology is a MUST HAVE for your organization. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com
Those of us in law enforcement know how important good and effective interview and interrogation skills are to a case. Unfortunately, sometimes we fall flat with those skills and it can cost a case, individual and agency reputations and often relationships with the community.
My next guest is Brian Leslie. He is coercive interrogation expert and former Chief of Police. Brian is also the owner of Criminal Case Consultants Inc. According to Brian, identifying patterns of racial targeting, flawed investigations, excessive use of coercive interrogation techniques that force questionable confessions, coercive interview methods that use narrative integration to extract favorable witness statements, and faulty processes identifying suspects is unfortunately common in the law enforcement profession.
This pattern demonstrates how police culture going unchecked can create dangerous factions in police departments that ultimately affect the community. Police officers have a tough job to do, but this should never excuse destructive or criminal behavior for any reason. Having an understanding and relationship with a community allows officers to put a face on those they police, not a mask.
Many officers in police departments across America do take their oath seriously with pride and perform their sworn duties flawlessly. These officers work each day in their communities with no incidents and do make a difference. Most of these officers are seldomly in the media and maintain virtual anonymity but unfortunately wear a negative stain from those that fail their communities.
A great and informative interview. You can find Brian here:
Stay tuned for more great episodes on The CJEvolution Podcast

Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. I hope your day is getting off to a great start. Remember it's going to be a great day and a great week. You have much opportunities in front of you. You just have to go out and get them.
Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice system. Whatever you are doing and wherever you are at, thank you! You do what most can't or won't. Don't believe the negativity you see and hear from some media and some people. You are honored, cherished and you are LOVED.
If you love coffee, you are going to love the products from Four Sigmatic. I have been a big fan of this company for some time now, and I love their Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee. I bet you will too. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com and get 15% off your products using the promo code CJEVO.
Have you ever had the feeling that the way you do one thing in your life might be connected to the way you do other things?
Let me explain - If you want to loose weight and you go to the gym but you are not putting forth the effort or "half-assing" then you are not going to get the results you want. Now, I bet there is a pretty good chance that you are doing that in other parts of your life. Maybe your relationships, maybe your work product. The way you do one thing is the way you do other things.
But you can break this cycle by changing your mindset. By adopting that CAN WIN attitude. Yes, it comes with work and yes it comes with a commitment, but YOU CAN DO IT.
When you think about it, we aren't here for a very long time so make the best of your life you can.
Go out and conquer your day, and stay tuned for more great episodes on The CJEvolution Podcast.
Please take a moment and give us that 5-Star Rating on Apple Podcasts. I would love to hear from you. My links are on my website www.cjevolution.com

Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to The CJEvolution Podcast. Thank you so much for tuning into the show. This is why we continue to grow, because of YOU! Thank you for sharing with your family and friends. If you love the content, please head over to Apple Podcasts, and give us that 5-Star Rating.
If you love coffee, you are going to love the products from Four Sigmatic. As you know, I have been a huge fan of this company for some time now and I love their products. Specifically, their Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee. It gives me that extra zip, clarity, and energy I need to get me through the day. From Coffee to Cocoa they have it all. Head over to www.cejvolution.com and see the link to Four Sigmatic. Best of all you will get 15% of your purchases using the promo code CJEVO.
Such an honor to be partnered with Detectachem. This amazing company is helping keep our brave men and women who protect us safer by offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of your hand. Detecting illicit drugs, explosives, and NOW COVID-19. This APP based technology is amazing and you need it for your organization. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com
This next show if immensely powerful.
My next guest is Chris Fields.
Chris Fields is a former member of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. Chris joined the fire department on July 12, 1985, promoting through the ranks and retiring as a Major March 1, 2017, serving the citizens of Oklahoma City for 31yrs and 7 months. Chris was captured in a photo that became an iconic symbol of the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 when he was cradling the body of 1yr old Baylee Almon. Chris has now dedicated his life and travels to speak to other 1st responders. He discusses the brutal realities of a life spent responding to citizens in their darkest hours. He routinely places others before himself and represents the greater good in all of us. Chris tells the story of his life, his 31yrs of public service, and how that day in 1995 all combined to take a toll on his life and his family. He suffered in silence for many years. Now he shares how with God, Faith, and Family he took control and his journey out of the suffering in hopes of helping others avoid the failure, the pitfalls, and to encourage them to reach out.
A powerful show.
You can find Chris here:
Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. It's the start of a new week and and many opportunities are ahead of you. Remember that Monday's shouldn't be dreaded. You should look forward to Monday's, remember what you put out into the universe you will get back.
If you love the content of this show, please give us that 5-Star rating on Apple Podcasts and follow us on Social Media.
Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you for what you do. Remember you have much support. Keep up the good work.
If you love coffee, you are going to love the great products from Four Sigmatic. From Coffee to Cocoa's they have it all. I am a big fan of the Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee and I bet you will be too. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com and get 15% off your purchases using the promo code CJEVO.
As you head into your day and week I want you to think of all the contacts you have made in your life and how have they impacted you. I know that a lot of contacts that criminal justice professionals make are probably not that productive, but I am talking about the contacts that can help you down the road. As criminal justice professionals we sometimes limit ourselves with who we meet and connect with and sometimes that can be detrimental. You never know where that contact you make will lead you. Maybe that person can help you with a job outside of law enforcement. Maybe that person can help you with starting that business. Keep your mind open and be open to meeting new people.
Remember that life is about connections and building relationships.
I hope you all have a great Monday. Go conquer your day and stay tuned for more great episodes on The CJEvolution Podcast.

Friday Aug 21, 2020
CJ Evolution Podcast: Rafa Conde - LEO & Founder and CEO of Man of War
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to The CJEvolution Podcast. Thank you all for tuning in. That is why we continue to grow. Please share the episode with your family and friends and follow us on social media. The links are at www.cjevolution.com
If you love the content, please give us that 5-Star Rating on Apple Podcasts.
A big shout out to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Do not believe all the crap you see and hear from some media outlets or on social media. You are honored, cherished and loved. Keep up the great work.
If you love coffee, you are going to love the coffee from Four Sigmatic. From Coffee to Cocoas their products are amazing. Head over to www.cjevolution.com and see their link. You will also get 15% off your purchases using the promo code CJEVO.
If there’s ONE MINERAL, you should be worried about not getting enough of... it’s MAGNESIUM.
Magnesium is the body’s “master mineral” powerful over 300 critical reactions, including detoxification... fat metabolism... energy... EVEN digestion is influenced by the presence of magnesium.
There are two BIG PROBLEMS here:
Magnesium has been largely missing from US soil since the 1950s... which explains why it’s estimated that up to 80% of the population may be deficient...
Most supplements contain only 1 or 2 forms of magnesium... when in reality there are at least 7 that your body needs and benefits from.
If you take this latter fact into consideration, it’s not logical to conclude that 99% of the population is likely deficient in 2 or more, essential forms of magnesium.
The good news is that when you DO get all 7 critical forms of magnesium, pretty much every function in your body gets upgraded... from your brain... to your sleep... pain and inflammation...
It all improves... and FAST.
That’s why I’m so excited about what my friends over at BiOptimizers—makers of industry-leading digestive supplements—have just created.
Their research team recently formulated what I believe is the ULTIMATE magnesium supplement, easily the best I’ve ever seen or experienced... with all 7 forms of this mineral.
They even include trace amounts of something called “mono-atomic magnesium” which helps make all the other forms more bioavailable.
This is BY FAR the most complete magnesium product ever created... and until or unless someone comes out with a better one, I highly recommend you give it a try.
BiOptimizers calls this product Magnesium Breakthrough and they’re running a special promotion for you at www.magbreakthrough.com/cjevolution - that’s M-A-G-B-R-E-A-K-T-H-R-O-U-G-H DOT COM FORWARD SLASH C-J-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N
You can get an additional 10% off from the normal package price with coupon code CJE10
And here’s the deal; the guys who make it are SO confident that you’re going to like it that they’ll give you ALL your money back if you don’t.
With this one simple action, you can reverse magnesium deficiency (in all its forms) and upgrade the performance of your body — including how you look and feel — in every possible way.
Make sure to go to THIS special website because it’s the ONLY place for you to get access to this amazing discount.
This Magnesium Breakthrough promotion is only while quantities last at www.magbreakthrough.com/cjevolution - that’s M-A-G-B-R-E-A-K-T-H-R-O-U-G-H DOT COM FORWARD SLASH C-J-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N
Have you ever met someone and afterward you feel like you can do anything in your life you want? They radiate success and they have that CAN-DO attitude. My next guest is my friend Rafa Conde and HE IS THAT PERSON!
Rafa Conde is a man who has dedicated his life to the resurgence of the warrior mind. He has four decades of martial arts training, tutelage under Zen masters from around the world, extensive experience as a DEA/Narcotics/SWAT office and is a former Elite Wall Street Broker. These experiences have led him to initiate a movement known as Man of War; for the purpose of weaponizing men to dominate all facets of their lives.
The Mission of forging Men into Warriors is no simple task, and Rafa Conde has been dominating that mission through his organization, Man of War. Through the combination of the top-ranking Man of War Podcast, the Intense Men of War Crucible forging program, and the annual life changing Conclave of Warriors even, Rafa has positioned himself to be the pillar that holds and redefines the warrior-mind in the modern-day.
If you are not doing SHIT with your life or wandering around in a haze, you need to listen to this show.
You can find Rafa here:
Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast

Monday Aug 17, 2020
CJ Evolution Podcast: Microcast Monday - Knowing what you don't know
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Thank you for listening to the show and sharing with your family and friends. This is why we continue to grow everyday. If you LOVE the content please take a moment and leave us that 5-Star rating and review on Apple Music.
A big shout out and thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you so much for putting on the line everyday. Remember you are honored, cherished and you are loved.
We are so honored being partnered with Detectachem because this amazing company can help keep your troops safer by offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of their hands. Protecting them from illicit drugs, explosives and now COVID-19. Their technology is a MUST HAVE for your organization. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com
If you love coffee, and I know most of you probably do, then you are going to love the products from Four Sigmatic. From Coffee's to Cocoa's they have it all. I am a big fan of The Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee and I bet you will be too. Check them out at www.cjevolution.com and get 15% off your purchases using promo code CJEVO.
One of the best lessons I ever learned in my life was the following: Knowing what I don't know. Think about it. This is very powerful because a lot of people never admit that they don't know something. We all know the people who think they know it all. The reality is they don't and probably never will. Think of a computer. There is only so much information you can put on it. Your MIND is entirely different and it NEVER gets filled to capacity. You need to approach your life like that and the possibilities are endless for you.
Remember to go out and conquer your day and week. Stay tuned for more great guests on the TOP RATED CJEvolution Podcast.

Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Top-Rated Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast. A podcast for the criminal justice professional. The purpose? To make you better both personally and professionally.
A big thank you to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Whatever you are doing, and wherever you are at – Thank you for your hard work. Remember you are honored, cherished, and loved.
We are so honored to be partnered with a company like Detectachem. If you have never heard of this company, you need to do some research. This amazing company is helping keep our brave men and women safer by offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of your hand. Detecting illicit drugs, explosives and now COVID-19. You have to get this technology for your agency. You can find them here www.cjevolution.com
If you love coffee, and I know most of you do, you are going to love the products from Four Sigmatic. From Coffee’s to Cocoa’s they have it all. I am a big fan of Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee and I bet you will be too. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com and get 15% off your purchases using the promo code CJEVO.
If there’s ONE MINERAL, you should be worried about not getting enough of... it’s MAGNESIUM.
Magnesium is the body’s “master mineral” powerful over 300 critical reactions, including detoxification... fat metabolism... energy... EVEN digestion is influenced by the presence of magnesium.
There are two BIG PROBLEMS here:
Magnesium has been largely missing from US soil since the 1950s... which explains why it’s estimated that up to 80% of the population may be deficient...
Most supplements contain only 1 or 2 forms of magnesium... when in reality there are at least 7 that your body needs and benefits from.
If you take this latter fact into consideration, it’s not logical to conclude that 99% of the population is likely deficient in 2 or more, essential forms of magnesium.
The good news is that when you DO get all 7 critical forms of magnesium, pretty much every function in your body gets upgraded... from your brain... to your sleep... pain and inflammation...
It all improves... and FAST.
That’s why I’m so excited about what my friends over at BiOptimizers—makers of industry-leading digestive supplements—have just created.
Their research team recently formulated what I believe is the ULTIMATE magnesium supplement, easily the best I’ve ever seen or experienced... with all 7 forms of this mineral.
They even include trace amounts of something called “mono-atomic magnesium” which helps make all the other forms more bioavailable.
This is BY FAR the most complete magnesium product ever created... and until or unless someone comes out with a better one, I highly recommend you give it a try.
BiOptimizers calls this product Magnesium Breakthrough and they’re running a special promotion for you at www.magbreakthrough.com/cjevolution - that’s M-A-G-B-R-E-A-K-T-H-R-O-U-G-H DOT COM FORWARD SLASH C-J-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N
You can get an additional 10% off from the normal package price with coupon code CJE10
And here’s the deal; the guys who make it are SO confident that you’re going to like it that they’ll give you ALL your money back if you don’t.
With this one simple action, you can reverse magnesium deficiency (in all its forms) and upgrade the performance of your body — including how you look and feel — in every possible way.
Make sure to go to THIS special website because it’s the ONLY place for you to get access to this amazing discount.
This Magnesium Breakthrough promotion is only while quantities last at www.magbreakthrough.com/cjevolution - that’s M-A-G-B-R-E-A-K-T-H-R-O-U-G-H DOT COM FORWARD SLASH C-J-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N
So excited to have my friend Tracie Keesee back on the show. Tracie has had a long and distinguished career in law enforcement starting with the Denver Police Department and ending with the New York City Police Department as the Deputy Commissioner of Equity and Inclusion.
She is currently the Senior Vice President of Social Justice Initiatives for The Center of Policing Equity. We all want and need our brave men and women who protect us to keep getting better.
A great show with an amazing guest.
You can find Tracie Keesee here:
Center for Policing Equity Website
Tracie Linkedin Profile
Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast

Monday Aug 10, 2020
CJ Evolution Podcast: Microcast Monday -Always be learning
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Microcast Mondays are tidbits, motivation, and guidance to get you started in your week.
A big thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you all for serving every day. Do not buy into the negative crap you hear and see on some media outlets. Most Americans support you. You are honored, cherished, and loved.
We continue to grow because of you the listener and support. If you love the content and guests, please give us the 5-Star rating, and leave a review on iTunes.
If you love coffee, you are going to love the products from Four Sigmatic. I am a huge fan of this company and I love the Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee. No, it’s not bad mushrooms, it’s the good kind and it doesn’t taste like mushrooms. It tastes better than regular coffee. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com and get 15% off your purchases at checkout.
We are so honored to be partnered with Detectachem. This great company is helping keep our brave men and women who protect us safer but offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of your hand. Detecting illicit drugs, explosives and now COVID-19. This application-based technology is a must have for your agency. Check out their link www.cjevolution.com
As you head into your Monday remember Monday’s should be celebrated. It’s a brand-new day it’s a brand-new week and many opportunities are ahead.
Albert Einstein said, “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”
The point is that should always be learning. Everyday you should be learning something that is going to advance your personal and professional life. A lot of people say they do not have time, or someday they will take the time to invest in yourself. It comes down to making a commitment to your self and TIME MANAGEMENT. What daily things are you doing that you do not really need to be doing? Like watching Netflix for hours on end when you could be investing in yourself.
As you go throughout your day and week try to learn something every day. Something new and educational so you can continue to become better.
Stay tuned for more great episodes and guests on The CJEvolution Podcast.

Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to the show. Thank you for tuning in and spending some of your valuable time with us. That is why we continue to grow. Please share this show with your family and friends and give us that 5-Star Rating on iTunes.
Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. From Federal to Municipal law enforcement, you do what most cannot or will not do. Thank you! Remember you are honored, cherished, and loved. Keep up the great work.
If you love coffee, and I know most of you do, you are going to love the product from Four Sigmatic. I am a big fan of their Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee and I bet you will be too. Check out their link at www.cjevolution.com and get 15% off your purchases at checkout using the promo code CJEVO.
We are so honored to be partnered with a company like Detectachem. This amazing company is helping keep our brave men and women who protect us every day safer but offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of your hand. Detecting illicit drugs, explosives and now COVID-19. This is must have technology for your agency. Find out more by checking out their link at www.cjevolution.com
So excited to have my next guest on the show. His name is James Gagliano. currently serves as a law enforcement analyst and policing methodology subject matter expert for CNN, where he provides on-air analyses of complex law enforcement and counterterror matters. An adjunct assistant professor and doctoral candidate at St. John’s University in Queens, NY, he is a sought-after speaker on criminal justice, homeland security and organizational leadership matters, and delivers keynote addresses for corporate clients and in academic settings. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF).Prior to joining CNN, Gagliano served 25 years with the FBI. During his career with FBI, he was appointed to a variety of investigative, tactical resolution, crisis management, undercover, mid-level and senior management positions, including assignment to the FBI’s elite counterterror unit, the Hostage Rescue Team (HRT), and as the Senior Team Leader of the FBI New York Field Division’s SWAT Team. During the Global War on Terrorism, between 2002 and 2003, he deployed to Afghanistan three separate times in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He was awarded FBI’s second highest award for valor, the Medal of Bravery, for his SWAT Team’s actions in June of 1993. Between 2008 and 2012, he created and supervised the Hudson Valley Safe Streets Task Force, a multi-agency federal task force that disrupted and dismantled violent street gangs in the upstate New York region. In one of his final FBI assignments, he studied Spanish language at US State Department, then served as the deputy legal attaché and acting legal attaché at the United States Embassy in México City, México, prior to retiring in 2016.A 1987 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and US Army veteran, he was commissioned as an Infantry Officer, serving as a light infantry platoon leader and company executive officer in the 10th Mountain Division, while stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia and Fort Drum, New York between 1988 and 1991. His military awards include the Airborne, Air Assault, Jungle Expert and Expert Infantryman’s badges, as well as the Ranger tab.
In this show, James and I talk about the hot topics of today, leadership, the way forward for law enforcement and much more.
You can find James here:
Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to the show. Thank you all for tuning in. This is why we continue to grow. Remember to share it with your family and friends and give us that 5-Star Rating on iTunes.
A big shout out and thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you! Remember do not believe all the crap you see and hear on some media outlets and what you see and hear from some idiots out there that want to bring you down. You are loved and cherished. Keep up the great work.
We are so excited to be partnered with a company liked Detectachem. This amazing company is helping keep our brave men and women who protect us every day safer by offering mobile threat detection that fits in the palm of their hands, detecting illicit drugs and explosives and not COVID-19. Check out their link at www.cjevolutioncom
If there’s ONE MINERAL you should be worried about not getting enough of... it’s MAGNESIUM.
Magnesium is the body’s “master mineral” powerful over 300 critical reactions, including detoxification... fat metabolism... energy... EVEN digestion is influenced by the presence of magnesium.
There are two BIG PROBLEMS here:
Magnesium has been largely missing from US soil since the 1950s... which explains why it’s estimated that up to 80% of the population may be deficient...
Most supplements contain only 1 or 2 forms of magnesium... when in reality there are at least 7 that your body needs and benefits from.
If you take this latter fact into consideration, it’s not logical to conclude that 99% of the population is likely deficient in 2 or more, essential forms of magnesium.
The good news is that when you DO get all 7 critical forms of magnesium, pretty much every function in your body gets upgraded... from your brain... to your sleep... pain and inflammation...
It all improves... and FAST.
That’s why I’m so excited about what my friends over at BiOptimizers—makers of industry-leading digestive supplements—have just created.
Their research team recently formulated what I believe is the ULTIMATE magnesium supplement, easily the best I’ve ever seen or experienced... with all 7 forms of this mineral.
They even include trace amounts of something called “mono-atomic magnesium” which helps make all the other forms more bioavailable.
This is BY FAR the most complete magnesium product ever created... and until or unless someone comes out with a better one, I highly recommend you give it a try.
BiOptimizers calls this product Magnesium Breakthrough and they’re running a special promotion for you at www.magbreakthrough.com/cjevolution - that’s M-A-G-B-R-E-A-K-T-H-R-O-U-G-H DOT COM FORWARD SLASH C-J-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N
You can get an additional 10% off from the normal package price with coupon code CJE10
And here’s the deal; the guys who make it are SO confident that you’re gonna like it that they’ll give you ALL your money back if you don’t.
With this one simple action, you can reverse magnesium deficiency (in all its forms) and upgrade the performance of your body — including how you look and feel — in every possible way.
Make sure to go to THIS special website because it’s the ONLY place for you to get access to this amazing discount.
This Magnesium Breakthrough promotion is only while quantities last at www.magbreakthrough.com/cjevolution - that’s M-A-G-B-R-E-A-K-T-H-R-O-U-G-H DOT COM FORWARD SLASH C-J-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N
So excited to have my good friend Adam Kinakin back on the show. Adam is a former Infantry Officer with the Canadian Armed Forces, and he has had the honor to work alongside some of the best military and Law Enforcement Instructors and Educators in the world. Adam is also the host and creator of the very successful podcast The Tactical Breakdown Podcast.
Adam is also the Director of The International Law Enforcement Training Summit which just ran July 27th – July 31st and it was a HUGE Success. I was honored to be part of this first Summit and don’t worry – More are in the works.
In this episode Adam and I touch on a variety of topics from the ILET Summit, Law Enforcement Challenges, Leadership and much more.
Use this Promo Code to get 50% off ILET training summit – EVOLVE50
You can find Adam here:
Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast